Current Electricity: Comprehensive NEET Physics Notes

1. Introduction to Electric Current

1.1 Definition and Basic Concept

Electric current is defined as the rate of flow of electric charge through a given cross-sectional area. In everyday life, we encounter various devices where electric current flows steadily, such as in torches and cell-driven clocks.

1.2 Mathematical Expression

For a steady current, the net charge q flowing through a conductor over a time interval t can be expressed as: I=tq​

In the case of variable currents, the instantaneous current is given by: I=limΔt→0​ΔtΔQ​

whereΔQ is the net charge flowing through the conductor's cross-section in the time interval Δt.

2. Electric Currents in Conductors

2.1 Conductors and Electric Fields

In conductors, free electrons move in response to electric fields, contributing to electric current. In metals, some electrons are free to move within the material, leading to electric currents when an electric field is applied.

2.2 Drift Velocity

When an electric field is applied, electrons gain acceleration but due to collisions with fixed ions, they attain a steady average velocity known as drift velocity vd​​. The drift velocity is given by: vd​=m−eEτ​where e is the charge of the electron, E is the electric field, τ is the relaxation time, and m is the mass of the electron.


Understanding the concept of drift velocity is crucial for solving problems related to current in conductors.

2.3 Current Density

Current density j is defined as the current per unit area of cross-section: j=nqvd​​ where n is the number density of free electrons and q is the charge.

Real-life Application:

The concept of current density is used in designing electrical components to ensure they can handle specific amounts of current without overheating.

3. Ohm's Law

3.1 Statement and Formula

Ohm's Law states that the current flowing through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points: V=IR where R is the resistance.

3.2 Resistance and Resistivity

Resistance R is given by: R=ρAl​ whereρ is the resistivity of the material, l is the length of the conductor, andA is the cross-sectional area.

Did You Know?

Georg Simon Ohm, a German physicist, formulated Ohm's Law in 1827.

3.3 Temperature Dependence of Resistance

The resistivity of a material changes with temperature. For a small temperature range, it can be approximated by: ρT​=ρ0​[1+α(T−T0​)] where α is the temperature coefficient of resistivity.

Common Misconception:

Many students think that resistivity and resistance are the same. Resistivity is a material property, whereas resistance depends on both the material and the dimensions of the conductor.

4. Electrical Energy and Power

4.1 Power Dissipation in Resistors

The power dissipated in a resistor is given by: P=IV=I2R=RV2​

4.2 Energy Consumption

Electrical energy consumed over time t is: W=Pt=IVt

NEET Problem-Solving Strategy:

For solving power-related problems, always check the units and use the correct formula based on the given parameters.

4.3 Applications of Electrical Power

Electrical power is utilized in various applications like lighting, heating, and powering electronic devices.

5. Kirchhoff's Rules

5.1 Junction Rule

The sum of currents entering a junction equals the sum of currents leaving the junction.

5.2 Loop Rule

The sum of the potential differences around any closed loop is zero.


To remember Kirchhoff's laws: "Junctions equal splits, loops always fit."

Quick Recap

  • Electric current is the flow of charge.
  • Ohm's Law: V=IR
  • Drift velocity and current density are key concepts in understanding current in conductors.
  • Resistance depends on material, length, and cross-sectional area.
  • Kirchhoff's rules help analyze complex circuits.

Concept Connection

Link to Chemistry

In electrolytes, both positive and negative ions contribute to current, similar to how electrons move in conductors.

Practice Questions

  1. Calculate the current through a resistor of 5 Ω connected to a 10 V battery.
  2. What is the drift velocity of electrons in a copper wire with a cross-sectional area of 1×10−6m2 carrying a current of 3 A? Assume the number density of electrons is 8.5×1028m−3.
  3. A wire of length 2 m and cross-sectional area 1×10−6m2 has a resistance of 10 Ω. Calculate its resistivity.
  4. If the resistivity of a material is 1.5×10−8Ωm, what will be the resistance of a wire made of this material with length 1 m and cross-sectional area 1×10−6m2?
  5. Apply Kirchhoff's rules to find the current in each branch of the following circuit: (provide a simple circuit diagram with resistors and a battery).


  1. I=RV​=510​=2A
  2. ρ=lRA​=210×1×10−6​=5×10−6Ωm
  3. R=Aρl​=1×10−61.5×10−8×1​=1.5×10−2Ω
  4. Apply Kirchhoff's junction and loop rules to solve the circuit equations (provide the steps based on the specific circuit diagram).

Quick Reference Guide and Glossary

  • Electric Current (I): Flow of electric charge.
  • Resistance (R): Opposition to the flow of current.
  • Resistivity (ρ): Material property indicating how much it resists current flow.